Final Details are published

You can now get your copy of Final Details here. With just two days to go before entries close we have 678 pre-entries.

Details of the 2015 Weekend are emerging!

Planning for the 2015 Classic Weekend are coming together nicely. We have the BADO Basingstoke Urban on the Saturday, 31st October. And this is followed on the Sunday by the November Classic.

Entries for the 2014 event are now open

Visit Fabian4 to enter the south of England’s best orienteering event of the year! The entry fees are: Junior: £6.00 Senior member: £12:00 Senior non-member: £14:00 White, Yellow, Orange Junior: £6.00 White, Yellow, Orange Senior: £6:00 EMIT hire: £1:50

Final Final Details published

Here is a copy of the final details. Text in red has been added since the last time: November Classic 2013 Final Details Rev 29 Oct